
The content of a codefence is parsed the same as the content of a .. code:: directive.

For example, the following:

Hello world!

Is rendered as:

Hello world!

Code fences support languages. The language keyword is passed as the optional argument to the .. code:: directive. For example:

int main(int argc, char** argv){

Is rendered as:

int main(int argc, char** argv){

Code fences can also be nested within indented structures, such as:

.. tip::

   This code-fence is nested within an admonition.

   def hello_world():
     print("hello world")

which is rendered as:


This code-fence is nested within an admonition.

def hello_world():
  print("hello world")

However the whole point of using a code-fence is to avoid the indentation so I’m not sure why you’d want to do that.

There are two styles of codefence. You can either use triple-tick or triple-tilde. The examples thus-far have been triple-tick. Triple-tilda looks like this:

def hello_codefence():
  print("I am in a codefence!")

Which renders as:

def hello_codefence():
  print("I am in a codefence!")